From Nairobi
Our article
So it would seem also to us, if we are not living it over our skin. In the last February 2009 Gabriella Carlizzi, also in the rule of president of Associazione Onlus Opera “Padre Gabriele”, has gone in Nairobi for to know this reality of emargination and misery that recognize as first actors and victims millions of african children. The intention of the journalist was to provide helps and supports in many way to the orphan children and especially for the children without parents because they die by HIV.
Gabriella has come in Nairobi with her collaborators, and accomodeted in the most historical hotel, in the center of the city. She showed her interested to an hotel manager because this person can indicate a very trust driveman and also very informated about the social situation in Nairobi.
So, the journalist known George O. and she went on his car with her secretary Elisa Antonelli and her fotoreporter Matteo Mantovani, at little school for orphan children located in Dandora.
At the school, the situation is evident the decay, George after to have greeted the teachers, he presented Gabriella Carlizzi, as the person who would know the most urgently needs of the children, in the way to provide some right helping as president of Association Onlus, so she can resolve a part of this tragedy. The teachers, the director Mrs.Rose W.K. E the protestant pastor Christopher N.O., were happy and permit to three Italians to record by the camcorder the “little school” named “R. Community Center”. It is a place very narrow , stinking, without any hygienic services, even without the light, so the children seen the light trough the little hole in the wall of natural bricks , a mix of mud and dung.
The teachers of the “school” said us that school is frequented by 115 children from 3 to 15 years old, orphan and abandoned, so some children slept in the street, other slept from relatives, and other again was hosted in the house of teachers.
The first necessity, for the volunteers , was the foods and light.
A lot of children were fasting and satisfy their hungry with some surplus of food supplied of the people of the quarter, taken during the lunch, when the school close at 4.30 p.m. The immagines of our camcorder showed a very dramatic reality and very dangerous for these children , because to take from the ground and mud anything to take in the mouth, playing with pieces of glass o metal rust found in the rubbish near the “school”.
The director likes to show the autorization document for the place released to the competent authority and one other document, with the signature of the Pastor Erastus M., that presented in praiseworthy word this woman, named as “A very gift of God” because she dedicate full time the orphan of Nairobi.
Can hoe we feel indirefferent regards true scenes, that we watch usually on tv in the many imagines of repertory, sensibleness in other way the conscience of who has the opportunities to see directly?
Gabriella Carlizzi, communicated with the amministration of the Onlus in Rome about the situation of the school in Dandora and she subscribes an agreement for the adoption to distance by Opera “Padre Gabriele” for the all community of the children and the volunteers teachers, also orphans.
Many times the three Italian go to “the little school” of Dandora with the car full of foods and stationery items that can be used for the learning because they had not these exercise books or other materials. The agreement of adoption to distance was signed from the jounalist and the school director Mrs. Rose W.K., and provides the cure of the children, the immediatly installation of the eletricity, the possible to buy the plots close to small build of the school from the Onlus, for expand and build a dormitory and refectory, and to put on the outside wall of “the little school” the plate of the association with written: “School of Padre Gabriele”, in reasons of the adoption.
Moreover we agreed the colors of the uniform of these children dressed now with rags. The uniform will be made in Rome by the hand of the tailor of the Associazione Onlus.
Gabriella Carlizzi asked to meet the workman that starts the works of the electricity. This man showed the quotation to the journalist and she gave in the hand of the director a lot of money, to start the works and the association give other founds when the works will be finished.
On the 10 of February, during the party of thanks, organized by the frontiers teachers, for the generous humanitarian association, a plate “School of Opera Padre Gabriele” was put on the narrow building, in an atmosphere full of emotion and joy that lighted up at once all the looks without future of many innocent creatures.
It's unnecessary say that the driver George O. became the “saint mediator” of great Charity according the director of this school; so that Gabriella Carlizzi named him correspondent of the Onlus Association, in order to inform always about the course of all the initiatives in Nairobi, and she also prepared business cards of George.
When the journalist and her collaborators went back to Rome, they deciced to inform Kenya Embassy about their humanitarian activities made during this mission; then they decided to return at once to Nairobi being informed by George O. that there was the possibility to buy four plots near the “little school” in Dandora.
George, with “scroupolus care”, found also catastal maps of the plots sending by email to the president of the Onlus together with the prices of the owners.
When they arrived near the school, they have to notice that trough their donation nothing was made about what they agreed and documented,; infact the director thought to paint her little office leaving children without light and food. They asked explanations to the correspondent George, and he justified himself putting the guilty on the director who made everything before advice him and so he didn't tell them by email in order to prefer to show the situation directly.
On her side, the director put the guilty to lie on George, infact before using the money given by them she asked George's suggest.
In that place, in front of our disconcert, the situation became very hot, as they both had opposing group of fighters, ready to defence their actors in a probably violent encounter.
The journalist, famous for her inquiries to unmask the corruption and immorality, started to investigate to understand from who and for which reasons her Association was really used.
So George confided at once to three italins that he was afraid to die.
When they asked him the reason of these very serious words, George rivealed that he belonged to a tribe opposing to the tribe of that of the director Rose. He explained that nowaday, when similar situation happens each tribe defended its person and this fact often produced bloody fights that might bring to a very human massacre.
The journalist, now convinced to be an “hostage” between opposing tribe moved perhaps by interests of money, but also political, thought to inform directly an italian Embassy functionary in Nairobi, and also the Chief of Security of the hotel where she still stay with her collaborators.
They and many other persons of the place, knowing this disconcerting history, have recognized the situation of the three italians extremely dangerous for their lives, infact since some days they moved by a trusted car of Secirity, being suggested not to go anymore by the car of the ex driver and correspondent George O.
Two days ago, the italian troupe, together with the Chief of Security of thei hotel, went to the “little school”, where under their eyes there was an organized meeting among the director and the parents of the children!
They asked the teachers, Mrs.Rose W. K. And the pastor Christopher why they declared a false version to the journalist, saying the children were orphans, alone and without any help, they tried, lieing, to animate the parents against the three italians, infact all the parents believed that the italians wanted to take away their children.
The Chief of security present himself as a friend, with great ability he achieve to calm their natures, explainig the truth, also because, before this visit italians showed him all the documents of the adoption at distance of the “orphans”, and also the receipts of the donation given to the director, the email between George in Nairobi and Rome, the quotation of the work just paid and never made and also the supermarket receipts where the italins bought many items for the children. They identified each child with a picture, so that every single benefactors of the Onlus could provide to the education, to the food according to the necessity, until to the adult age of the choosen child.
Infact in this situation, during the thankful party, the “volunteer” teachers said these words to the President of the Onlus Association Opera “Padre Gabriele”: “We are sure that among these children could be the future Obama!
The fall from the poverty to the ethical and spiritual misery is not determinated by that can appeared in an “ordinary” immorality event, these behaviours seem to be frequently in Kenya and also in many Countries of the “third world”, but the dramatic and disconcerting ruin means to use the poor children, that just have nothing, the false status of “orphans” for to touch in the heart all the world, showing images that cryes suffering and in this way obtaind some donations, and maybe one only donation on one millions of donationes will arrive.
So yesterday, Saturday 14 of March, the journalist togheter the Chief of Security of Hotel have removed from the “little school” of Dandora the plate “School of Padre Gabriele”
We have told this history, maybe one of a many others, not for create scandal to the reading but because we hope that Authorities in Nairobi so can deeped with this witness. These facts, in our opionion should be resolved, they are not considered as “ordinary custom” to use the misery of milions of innocent children. A misery that reveals under the eyes , this disconcerting business.
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